Lds freedom quotes
Lds freedom quotes

lds freedom quotes

The period of time when the true Church no longer existed on earth is called the Great Apostasy. More and more error crept into Church doctrine, and soon the dissolution of the Church was complete. The organization that Jesus Christ had established no longer existed, and confusion resulted. Because of wickedness and apostasy, the apostolic authority and priesthood keys were also taken from the earth. “One by one, the Apostles were killed or otherwise taken from the earth. It was one of the main causes of the conflict between the followers of Christ and the followers of Satan” ( Gospel Principles, 2009, p. Agency was one of the principal issues to arise in the premortal Council in Heaven.

lds freedom quotes

Also, we are happier doing things when we have made our own choices. If we were forced to choose the right, we would not be able to show what we would choose for ourselves. One purpose of earth life is to show what choices we will make (see 2 Nephi 2:15–16). 230).Īgency“In our premortal life we had moral agency. Church leaders have said that some exceptional circumstances may justify an abortion, such as when pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, when the life or health of the mother is judged by competent medical authority to be in serious jeopardy, or when the fetus is known by competent medical authority to have severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth” ( Gospel Principles, 2009, p. With that, here are some of our favorite quotes found in Gospel Principles (listed by topics): Abortion“There is seldom any justifiable reason for abortion.

#Lds freedom quotes manual#

Gospel Principles and the Bible: Rob Bowman from Christian ministry IRR goes through this manual chapter by chapter.Gospel Principles 2009 as a Significant Perpetuation of Traditional Mormon Theology: A look at the manual by MRM’s Aaron Shafovaloff.Changes to Gospel Topics: Specific changes to the 2009 edition are marked for an easy comparison.Here are some other sources that can be utilized: Brothers and sisters, by reinforcing your study of the core doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ, your testimony will grow, your happiness will increase, and you will find a greater abundance of the blessings of the Lord in your life (Ibid., p. The new edition will inspire teaching and enhance personal study. It is our hope that the new Gospel Principles manual will take a prominent place in the homes and lives of all Latter-day Saints. A careful study of core doctrines as presented in the new and improved Gospel Principles manual will help members strengthen their understanding of the fundamental teachings of the gospel (“The New Gospel Principles Manual,” Ensign, January 2010, pp. In addition, all Church members will benefit by a return to the basics. Nelson couldn’t contain his excitement for this new manual when he wrote a special piece in the Ensign magazine introducing this new manual. Viewpoint on Mormonism Radio Shows/Podcasts airing begininng 2/2/15: Introduction Chapter 1: Our Heavenly Father Chapter 2: Our Heavenly Family Chapter 3: Jesus Christ Chapter 4: Freedom to Choose Chapter 5: The Creation Chapter 6: The Fall Chapter 7: The Holy Ghost Chapter 8: Prayer Chapter 9: Prophets of God Chapter 10: Scripture Chapter 11: The Life of Christ Chapter 12: The Atonement Chapters 13 and 14: The Priesthood Chapter 15: The Lord’s Covenant People Chapter 16: The Church in Former Times Chapter 17: The Church Today Chapter 18: Faith in Christ Chapter 19: Repentance Chapter 20: Baptism Chapters 21 and 22: Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost Chapter 23: The Sacrament Chapter 24: The Sabbath Day Chapters 25 and 26: Fasting and Sacrifice Chapter 27 and 28: Work and Service Chapter 29: Word of Wisdom Chapter 30: Charity Chapter 31: Honesty Chapter 32: Tithes and Offerings Chapters 33 and 34: Missionary Work/Talents Chapter 35: Obedience Chapter 36: Families can be eternal Chapter 37: Family Responsibilities Chapter 38: Eternal Marriage Chapter 39: Law of Chastity Chapter 40: Temple Work Chapter 41: Postmortal Spirit World Chapter 42: The House of Israel Chapter 43: Signs of the Second Coming Chapter 44: The Second Coming Chapter 45: The Millennium Chapter 46: The Final Judgment Chapter 47: Exaltation Gospel Principles ConclusionĪpostle Russell M.

lds freedom quotes lds freedom quotes

  • Teachings of the Presidents of the Church.
  • Mormon Objections to Christian Evangelism.
  • Doctrine and Covenants / Pearl of Great Price.

  • Lds freedom quotes